Register of Women - Judicial and Tribunal Appointments

The Women Lawyers Association of the ACT is seeking expressions of interest from eligible women who work in the ACT (and region) who wish to be included on a confidential register (Register) of women who are suitable for judicial or tribunal appointment.

The purpose of the Register is to enable WLA ACT to respond promptly and effectively to a request from government or other relevant organisations (including the ACT Law Society and Australian Women Lawyers) for nominations for judicial or tribunal appointments.

WLA ACT recognises that eligible women may not put themselves forward for such appointments unless they are asked and/or encouraged to do so.  WLA ACT believes that maintaining the Register is a proactive step towards improving the numbers of eligible women nominated for such appointments.

If you wish to express an interest in being included on the confidential Register, we invite you to complete our online Confidential Expression of Interest Form.