Membership - HALF YEARLY Discount!

Interested in connecting with others and promoting the interests of women lawyers in the ACT? Join as a member today to start receiving member benefits.

WLA ACT is proud to offer free membership to lawyers at Community Legal Centres, Legal Aid and students currently enrolled in a law degree.

Why join us?

Our objectives are to ‘Connect Support Engage’. Being a member of WLA ACT provides you with the opportunity to do exactly those things: to connect with other lawyers and legal professionals across the ACT, to access a support network that extends beyond the workplace (including sharing experiences, advice and informal mentoring), and to engage with the ACT legal community and the interests of women lawyers.

Membership is open to individuals of all genders. As indicated above, many of our events and initiatives are of value to all lawyers regardless of gender. While many of these have been generated out of issues that particularly impact women lawyers, they ultimately have a broader relevance. It is for this reason that we frequently collaborate with organisations such as the ACT Law Society, ACT Young Lawyers and the ACT Bar Association.

Members enjoy attendance at WLA ACT events for free or at discounted rates and will receive access to our policy publications, news and communications, and initiatives. We are also happy to circulate information to our network on behalf of a member where it is relevant to the interests of our members. Firms also have the opportunity to be an exclusive sponsor of certain WLA ACT events.

Ordinary Membership

A person is eligible to be an ordinary member of the Association if they:

  • have been admitted, or is eligible for admission, as a barrister or solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Territory or of a State or another Territory;

  • hold a degree or a postgraduate diploma in law, Jurisprudence or legal studies conferred by a tertiary education institution in Australia, or by a tertiary education institution prescribed by the committee;

  • have qualified in law through the joint examinations board of the Supreme Court of New South Wales or has an equivalent qualification from another State or Territory; or

  • demonstrate a commitment to the Objects of the Association.

2024/25 Ordinary Membership
Sale Price: A$40.00 Original Price: A$80.00

Legal Aid/CLC Membership

WLA ACT is proud to offer free Ordinary Memberships for lawyers working at Community Legal Centres or Legal Aid.

Associate Membership 

A person is eligible to be an associate member of Association if they:

  • are proceeding to qualify for admission as a barrister or solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Territory or of a State or another Territory;

  • are enrolled in a course for a degree or post graduate diploma in law, Jurisprudence or legal studies at a tertiary education institution in Australia;

  • are a student at the Legal Workshop or the College of Law, or at a corresponding institution of another State or Territory; or

  • demonstrate a commitment to the Objects of the Association.

An associate member is not eligible to vote at meetings or elections of the Association or to be elected or co-opted to the committee.

WLA ACT is proud to offer free Associate membership to students who are enrolled in a course for a degree in law at a tertiary education institution in Australia.

2024/25 Associate Membership
Sale Price: A$20.25 Original Price: A$45.00
2024/25 Student Membership

Enquiries about Membership

Please email us if you have any enquiries about membership at